Innovative and tailor-made GIS solutions for the collection, integration, analysis, maintenance and provision of spatial data in canal, water, street, tree, lighting, solar roof and energy cadastres, maintenance books and GIS technical modules
Our wide range of services and software

Thanks to our many years of experience in the planning and management of technical infrastructures in combination with the know-how of our employees and partners in the implementation of innovative GIS solutions, we are able to give municipalities and associations control over their technical infrastructures, liability and funding requirements and obligations to meet and to optimize administrative processes.
Implementation, consulting, training and support of open source software such as QGIS, Postgre SQL, etc.

Climate and environmental architecture
Against the background of global warming, increasing urbanization and rising temperatures, more and more heat islands are emerging in populated areas, which are becoming more and more problems for people, animals and plants, while heavy rainfall events are increasingly causing local flooding outside and inside settlement areas with far-reaching damage.
Review of plans for urban settlement areas for climate resilience and their optimization
Climate-resilient planning and construction of new settlement areas
Adaptation of existing settlement areas and structures to climate change
Identification of areas endangered by heavy rain events
Planning and implementation of measures to protect against heavy rain events
Improvement of the microclimate in settlement areas
Infiltration and plant-available storage of rainwater in areas with hydraulically overloaded canals